Drawing Library
Chemical Feed Skid Designs: Here are the several different types of skids that ReGen Water manufactures, and to better help you find what you are looking for they're catagorized by the number of pumps on the skid (Ex. Simplex skid designs are single pump skids, etc., other skid designs is anything over 4 pumps on a single skid). To see a full list of each type, click on them. Note: This are all custom designs, and to better get everything you need for all your chemical feed requirements, check out our 2020 line of Standard skid model.

Polymer Blending System Designs: Below are several different models of polymer skid that ReGen Water manufactures, and to better figure out what you are looking for, go to our Polymer Blending Systems page to determine the flow rate and pump type and size you may need. We offer a variety of pump types and sizes so give us a call and see what we have to offer. Note: If you need a flow requirement higher than 20gpm, give us a call and we can quote you a custom blending unit to meet you needs.
Polymer Skid Model numbers:
- RB-1 (.1 - 1gpm flow system)
- RB-10 (1 - 10gpm flow system)
- RB-20 (4 - 20gpm flow system)

Pre-assemblied Skid Stands: Below are several different types of skid stand that ReGen Water has the ability to manufacture and provide along with a chemical feed skid. We can provide a stand in any of the following materials below. If you need a drawing, or are wondering about sizing a stand, give us a call.
Option #1: Welded Stainless Steel Stand
Option #2: Welded Aluminum Stand
Option #3: FRP Strut Stand with SS hardware